Sixteen-year-old Josie lives her life in translation. She speaks High School, College, Friends, Boyfriends, Break-ups, and even the language of Beautiful Girls. But none of these is her native tongue--the only people who speak that are her best friend Stu and her sister Kate. So when Kate gets engaged to an epically insufferable guy, how can Josie see it as anything but the mistake of a lifetime? Kate is determined to bend Josie to her will for the wedding; Josie is determined to break Kate and her fiancé up. As battles are waged over secrets and semantics, Josie is forced to examine her feelings for the boyfriend who says he loves her, the sister she loves but doesn't always like, and the best friend who hasn't said a word--at least not in a language Josie understands.
My Review:
This was such a cute read. I instantly feel in love with Josie and her wonderful personality. Josie has many quirks and an amazing wit about her. Some of the exchanges between her and her sister really had me laughing out loud. Her sister can be quite the Bridezilla at moments and I love how they tortured each other. (I think any siblings could relate!) Josie has unique relationship with her parents, sisters, and friends. I love how she used the different languages she gave each to relate to each one of them. It makes you think about your own relationships and the different languages we all use. A great summer read with lots of laughs!
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Erin McCahan is the author of the YA book I Now Pronounce You Someone Else (Scholastic, June 2010). Erin’s debut novel was a 2010 Cybils Award finalist. She grew up in Michigan and worked extensively with teenagers before beginning her writing career. She lives in Columbus, Ohio.
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